Would you recommend your GP surgery?


If you visit your GP practice you will be asked about whether or not you would recommend your GP surgery to your family and friends, if they need similar treatment or care.


How does it work?

When you visit your GP surgery for care or treatment, you will be given the opportunity to give your feedback by answering a simple question about your experience:

"Overall how was your experience of our service?"

You will be asked to choose one of six options, ranging from 'extremely likely' to 'extremely unlikely'. 

You will also be invited to tell us: 

"Please can you tell us why you gave your answer? Please tell us about anything we could have done better"

Your response is anonymous and you will be able to post the postcard in a ballot box in your GP practice reception on your way out of the surgery or you can complete give your feedback on this page.

If you are unable to answer the question, a friend or family member is welcome to respond on your behalf.

The Friends and Family Test results will be published on this website.


How will the results be used?

The information will give your GP practice invaluable feedback on what you think of the care and treatment you have received, which along with existing ways of gathering feedback, will help the surgery to make improvements for patients. 

The Friends and Family Test has already been successfully rolled out in hospitals across the country and is proving to be valuable in obtaining patient experiences.For more information on the Friends and Family Test, please visit www.nhs.uk/friendsandfamily



Friends & Family Test

Thinking about our Practice

Overall how was your experience of our service?

If you do not see the FFT questionnaire (above), you may have already given your feedback.